Thursday, October 25, 2007

US Upholds Penalties on Asian Coated Free Sheet Imports

RISI reported that the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has upheld preliminary determinations in countervailing and antidumping duty investigations on coated free sheet imports from China, Indonesia, and Korea. Announcing its final determination today the DOC said it that Chinese, Indonesian, and Korean suppliers had sold coated freesheet in the USA at less than fair value -- by 21.12% to 99.65%, 8.63%, and 0.47% to 31.55% respectively. The DOC also determined that Chinese, Indonesian and Korean suppliers had received countervailable subsidies ranging from 7.40% to 44.25%, 22.48% and 0.00 to 1.46% respectively. "Subsidies in China keep out our exports and distort global trade flows.
The Administration will continue to vigorously enforce our countervailing duty and antidumping laws, and will take appropriate remedies based on the facts presented in each case," Import Administration Asst. Sec. David Spooner said in a statement.

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