Friday, January 29, 2010

Finding the Right Printer Partner

These are difficult and challenging environments in the paper and printing markets, it is important to review your printing platform to assure you are still as cost competitive as possible
-Does the printer’s equipment still fit your publication?
-Do you still invite competitive printers to quote your publication?
-Is your printer still financially stable?
-Where has the printer downsized? Has this area effected your publication?
-Slower response from CSR, no new ideas on distribution, the paper buyer has not recommended any alternative papers, etc.
-Is your printer taking the correct steps to be environmentally friendly?
-Has your printer invested in new technologies?
-Have you considered more cost effective alternative papers?
-Lower brightness; Uncoated Supercalender instead of coated, lighter basis weight, self-cover, Groundwood containing /LWC in stead of a 'free; sheet.
-Have you reviewed reducing the size of your publication or fewer pages?
-Are you still distributing to nonrevenue producing subscribers?
It's January, start the year by reviewing all your vendors to confirm they are still competitive and partner up with your vendors to mutually create ways to save money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you generally provide - this is very good and useful data. This blog constantly serves as an excellent resource. Thank you!