Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RISI Casts Shadow on Future of Paper Demands

John Maine of RISI advised that the decrease in shipments of 15 million tons of fine paper between 2007 and 2009 may never return because of all the major changes in electronic substitution and imports to North America and Western Europe. Worldwide there was a 3% drop in 2008 and 11% decline in 2009. A mild recovery is expected over the next year, but not to pre 2007 levels. Coy Paper news releases continue to report on China and India demand maintaining a growth of 3-4% with 4 million tons of new capacity coming on-line in China, mostly coated freesheet.


Anonymous said...

The is not surprising data, but, none the less, discouraging! If Asia is starting up new equipment, why can't the USA companies do the same and EXPORT to Asia?

Anonymous said...

We need to take back our paper making industry.