Friday, June 06, 2008

Paper Mill Revived

In 2000, the Newton Falls Paper Mill was one of 600 Paper mills operating in the USA when it closed later that year. The mill's story was not to dissimilar to the shuttered mills in Great Barrington, MA., Augusta, GA., Lufkin, TX., Brewer, ME., and Deferiet, NY. - older equipment that could not produce product as economically as the newer, bigger machines. However, the story was quit different for the Newton Falls, NY facility - they found an investor (funding $20milllion to acquire the mill) and many of the workers continued to believe in the mill's survival - the mill reopened recently and is manufacturing 200 tons a day of coated paper. The plant runs 24 hours a day - 7 days a week supplying paper to such important companies as WalMart, and Jessica Seinfield's cookbook. With all the recent mill closures, it is nice to learn of a mill that survived!

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