Monday, September 29, 2008
Printing and Writing Paper Shipments Sluggish
Meanwhile, uncoated Freesheet (business papers) are witnessing competition from imports - the likes of Brazil and Europe as well as from mills that have turned off their coaters and are now producing uncoated papers. August saw a decline in shipments of nearly 8%.
Pulp Market Continues to Slide
Catalyst to Take Downtime at Snowflake Mill
Friday, September 26, 2008
USPS Mail Volume Declines Further
Coated Publication Groundwood Market Continues to be Soft
Also, we note in the Groundwood market - trade reports suggest a private equity buyer is close to acquiring Tembec's idled St. Francisville, LA mill (300K tpy of coated capacity).
Newsprint Continues to Increase in Price
year high. This is the 2nd consecutive month that the full announced $20/ton
hike failed to take hold. Publishers report their inventories are rising
and a historical seasonal slowdown may yield more supply cuts to maintain pricing.
One Small Paper Mill does Well
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Google Receives 71 Percent of All Searches
Google accounted for 71.01 percent of all U.S. searches in the four weeks ending August 28, 2008, Hitwise announced today. Yahoo! Search, MSN Search and each received 18.26, 5.32 and 3.45 percent respectively. The remaining 46 search engines in the Hitwise Search Engine Analysis Tool accounted for 1.95 percent of U.S. searches.
Paper Recycling Remains High
Meanwhile, consumers are doing there part. American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) reported that 56% of the paper consumed in America was recovered for recycling in 2007. This statistic is ahead of schedule - and therefore AFPA set a new goal of 60% recovery by 2012.
The 54.3million tons of paper recovered in 2007 equates to 360 pounds for every American.
Websites such as market recycled papers. The thousands of Green Papers stocked for immediate shipment range from 30 to 100% produced from recycled fibers.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Quebecor World Creditors Seek Lawsuit
MONTREAL—Some creditors of bankruptcy-protected Quebecor World have asked the court for permission to file suit against the printer, seeking $376 million they claim was paid to 14 private lenders prior to bankruptcy to buy back its debt.
According to a Bloomberg report, creditors asked Judge James Peck for permission to sue, contending Quebecor World paid the amount to Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank and other parties that redeemed notes for the company on October 29, 2007, less than 90 days before the bankruptcy filing. Bloomberg quoted the creditors as saying the payments were made on account of antecedent debt owed by Quebecor World in private notes and exceeded what the parties would have received under a liquidation.
Magazine Ad Spending Down 1.4%
Fun Facts on Recycling
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
US paper mills struggle with sour economy, cheap imports and rise of digital communication
It's a scene that has played out in small paper towns from California to Maine. The number of jobs in the domestic paper industry has shrunk about 20 percent in recent years as costs rise and imports become cheaper. Demand all around has been dampened by the slow economy as well as the shift of eyeballs away from the printed page toward the screens of PCs and cell phones.
The state of Wisconsin still has more jobs in the paper industry than any other state, mainly because of its proximity to vast rivers that supply millions of gallons of water for the treatment of wood pulp. The state had about 35,500 paper-industry jobs in 2007, down 26 percent from the 48,000 jobs it had six years earlier. Nationwide about 117,000 jobs have vanished in that span, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
After Wisconsin, the next largest paper employers are California and Pennsylvania with about 28,000 jobs each in 2007, followed by Illinois and Ohio with about 24,000 each. Each figure represents a decline of about 20 percent from 2001.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Magazine Ad Pages Down
Total magazine ad pages measured by the Publishers Information Bureau are down 9.2% through August, compared to the same period last year. Virtually all the major publishers are feeling the pinch. Of 37 big publishing groups measured by TNS Media Intelligence, 32 or 86% have seen ad pages fall. For the 32 publishers that are experiencing declines, the average decline was 14% for the year-to-date.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
UPM continues restructuring measures
The planned actions to close capacity would improve UPM's cost competitiveness
Verso Paper Machine at Bucksport to Lightweight Paper
announced that it will begin transitioning the No. 1 paper machine at its Bucksport Mill, in Maine, to manufacture specialty papers starting on September 22. With this move Verso will begin supplying value-added specialty papers to customers, which leverage Verso's core coating and
lightweight paper production techniques. Once fully transitioned, this change will reduce Verso's coated groundwood production capacity by 84,000 tons per year.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Hewlett Packard Announces Green Policy
United States Postal Service talks about Environmentally Friendly Initiatives
-Ask for the highest recycled content available for the grade of paper you are interested in
-Many grades are available from 30 all the way to 100% recycled, or even tree free.
-Print on lightest paper possible
-Ask for papers made of alternative fiber – tree free, cotton, etc vs. trees
-Design piece smaller to use less paper
-Seek inks that are not petroleum based – such as Soy based
-Opt for less ink coverage on printed promotion
-Print on both sides and use less paper
-Reduce run to exact match of material you need – watch for waste
-Be sure size of promotion matches paper sheet size and press size
-Merge and purge mailing list – remove invalid names
-Provide for opportunity for customer to opt out
-Maintain ‘do not mail’ list
Remember, you can always visit or call the paper expert at for suggestions of paper from their new Green Store
Pulp Market Update
-Pulp buying and thus demand lowered considerably in last several weeks, especially in China, and as market pulp output and producers’ stockpiles continued to rise, particularly for hardwood grades.
-Pulp demand was also considerably lower in most other world markets rejecting increased paper mill market-related downtime
-Global pulp demand will continue to be weaker than normal through year-end, well below pulp supply, as papermakers in virtually all regions curtail production on a temporary basis to better match supply with slowing demand, and as more permanent paper mill closures in the US and Europe take effect.
- Pulp prices will continue to fall until enough capacity is removed to re-establish market balance early in 2009 for softwood and later next year for hardwood grades.
- Another 1.6 million tons of capacity to come on stream around the world in 2009 followed by more than 2 million tons each in 2010 and 2011, virtually all of it hardwood
-These declining price levels should trigger significant closures in North America, particularly in Canada, perhaps approaching 2 million tons over the next 6-9 months,
with most of that softwood pulp. Possibly 2 million tons taken out of European pulp production as well. High cost facilities will be first to go.
- A slowing economy combined with permanent market share losses to online and other lower-cost alternative media pushed US print activity to a 21-year low in North America
--Non-national metro dailies, will start going out of the print business altogether.
Capital Spending by Paper Industry expected to Drop
Monday, September 08, 2008
Deluxe to Close Three Plants, Cut 570 Jobs
Print Catalogs Remain Primary Sales Channel
A survey conducted by the Direct Marketing Association revealed that the print catalog remains the largest revenue generator amongst all channels, accounting for nearly 50% of total sales in both 2007 and 2008. Results of the 106 multichannel merchants polled showed that 62% consider catalogs their primary sales channel. Only 20% of those polled cited the Web as their primary channel and just 6% said retail was. Of those respondents surveyed, 59% indicated that they have increased circulation, while 15% reported no change. Additionally, 44% of the merchants reported increasing page counts and 42% reported no changes at all in pages.
New York Times Saves on Paper
The paper will save several million dollars with this recent move.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wausau Papers Modifies Ice Line will be marketing this grade once inventory levels are satisfied.
Many Newspapers Reduce Paper Consumption
Hazen Paper Purchases old Neenah Mill
Unisource Implements Fuel Surcharge
Unisource will now institute a fuel surcharge per line item to all orders shipped from its warehouses and orders received through Unisource’s Website will receive a flat surcharge per order.
With gas prices increasing costs to every vendor that delivers, firmly believes that paper sales on the internet will grow at an even faster pace. The site has over 40,000 items and ships the majority of orders within 24 hours.
SMART Papers' Super-Luxury Kromekote Brand Achieves Important Environmental Milestone - Full FSC Certification
Kromekote is the first triple cast-coated brand to achieve full FSC certification. The achievement represents another important advance for SMART Papers and its commitment to supply the widest range of FSC premium coated and uncoated printing and packaging papers in North America.
SMART Papers is North America's largest independent manufacturer and marketer of premium coated and uncoated printing papers. The company is currently building a new energy facility at its manufacturing center that will be fossil fuel free by late 2009, enabling all of the company's papers to be fully carbon neutral. "SMART Papers' carbon-neutral future will give customers total confidence they are getting the most environmentally responsible printing papers available from any U.S. paper manufacturer," said SMART Papers President Dan Maheu.
Ultra-glossy Kromekote is widely regarded by printers and designers as the "gold standard" in printing papers. Now, the brand sets a new "green standard" for premium environmentally preferable coated papers, with both FSC certification as well as papers with 30% post-consumer waste (PCW) fibers.
SMART Papers recently announced FSC-certification for its Kromekote Recycled products. Today's announcement expands the certification to encompass the rest of the brand including Kromekote Text and Cover, Folding Board, Colors and Metallics, Foils, Textures and Digital products.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Printer Survey on Environmental Programs
we outline, in order of popularity, which environmentally friendly steps USA the printers actually implemented –
Purchasing paper containing post consumer (waste paper)
Purchasing FSC paper
Using environmentally friendly inks
Developing internal recycling programs
Recycling solvents
Purchasing more energy efficient equipment
Planting trees
Direct-to-press processless plates
Digital Printing Still Growing
-Overall growth. ..............2.2%
-Ink Based Printing ……...0.8%
-Toner/Digital Printing .….6.2%
-InkJet ……….....……………..6.0%
Most printers, although frustrated with increased paper prices, are generally optimistic about 2008 sales.
Market Pulp Demand is Questioned
NBSK, the benchmark grade, saw little change in price since the first half of 2008, with list price staying at $880/ton. Because many more paper making plants will continue to close due to poor economics and declining demand, this will result in less demand demand for pulp.
Top market pulp producers for North America include
Weyerhaeuser 2Million tons 9.7% market Share
Domtar 1.5million tons 7.5% market share
Canfor 1.4million tons 7.1% market share
Tembec 1.3million tons 6.3% market share
Georgia Pacific 1.2million tons 5.8% market share
Quebecor World begins Consolidation
The company also announced the sale of its European operations to Hombergh/De Pundert Group (HHBV) of the Netherlands.
Tag and Label Markets Continue to Grow
Top Label and Tag converters include
RR Donnelly
Avery Dennison
CCL Industries
Fort Dearborn
WS Packaging
Multi Color
Nashua Corporation
Standard Register
Hammer Packaging
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Another Major Coated Freesheet Maker Raises Prices
Verso Paper has announced an increase of $60 per ton for its Influence and Velocity coated freehseet paper grades, effective October 1. announced that NewPage did the same last week for nine of its brands.
Smart Papers Goes ahead with Co-Generation markets the mill's premium cast coated, matte coated , as well as the uncoated text, cover, and writing grades. Many of these grades are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.
Magazine Industry Troubled
This effects the paper industry in that consumption is also now down for publication coated grades.
American Eagle Mill continues to Grow
Ordering Paper online Grows, with 40,000 items and nearly 60 distribution centers also outlined aggressive growth for 2007. Industry experts forecast this tend to continue.
Acacruz Plans Pulp Capacity Expansion in Brazil
Soporcel Installs new Cutsize Sheeter
The Soporcel sheet is a worry-free copy paper that is one of the brightest on the market. markets this sheet at approximately the same price as the lower brightness grades.